Maria Brockhill

Ko Taranaki te maunga

Ko Waitara te awa

Ko Te Atiawa te iwi

Ko Owae te marae

Ko Maria Brockhill toku ingoa


Artist Statement

Te Atiawa, Ngati Maniapoto, Ngati Ruanui

I spent a lot of my childhood up at Owae Marae in Waitara, Taranaki.

I was always fascinated by the intricate patterns in the tukutuku panels and carvings in the Wharenui Te Ika-Roa-A-Maui. Some of these memories have carried into my clay work.

I am a full time ceramic artist and have my studio at a shopping centre near my home.

My work is known for texture and patterns I put on the clay, and the vibrant glazes that I make myself.

The colours are rich and reminiscent of jewel colours like ruby red, emerald green, sapphire blue.

I usually work with porcelain clay as it highlights my glazes, but I am enjoying a recent foray into working with red clay for a change. This presents a challenge in how I can incorporate my glazes to best effect and that’s an interesting project for now.

Photographer: Tatiana Harper